Today, I am not sleep deprived! Monday and Tuesday were rather crazy and here is why!Monday (am): I basically welcomed the sun into my house on Monday morning as the final of the World Cup drew to a close. My friend Steve convinced me to watch it and came over at 3am to watch. I only managed to get 2 hours sleep before that and so my day of school at Monday was disastorous. I wafted through the day and felt nauseous with exhaustion. My friend Bryan had wanted me to practice my camera shooting and so I had promised him I would take a walk home after school to take some shots. I decided too though that this week I would be good about going to gym and so despite my state, I went anyway in the hope that I would get to bed by 8pm. As I was making myself comfy my friend Ashley called to say she had been in a car accident and the car had road over her leg while on the bike. Goodness! I rushed to ehr place to get her necessary documentation while Bryan and a really lovely Korean- American Sam calmed her down at the hosiptal emergency wing. No broken bones but a really bad cut in a not so nice place. A few stitches later, while I held her hand I was amazed at her bravery-I woudl have been a wreck. We decided it was best if I stayed at her place and so I did. Getting to sleep around 2am and waking up at 7am-eish! 7 hours in 2nights. Not ideal! However, I was very impressed with the Korean Medical System once again and glad they took such good care of Ashley!
Tuesday: Making monsters in class. I was so exhausted I almost passed out at school. Luckily our lesson was fun and required little effort. I had collected a whole lot of trash for the past while and the students were delighted to get their creative minds ticking and fingers creating as Jung-in and I allowed them to go wild! Presentations using adjectives suhc as "scrawny", "gigantic" and " disgusting" was a requirement though. A LOT OF FUN WAS HAD BY ALL!
No sleep for the wicked yet though, I have decided I wanted to volunteer at an orphange whiel here in Korea and had manged to organise and co-ordinate the whole thing, so that I am teaching an 18 year old girl-Seung-Hee once a week from 7-8pm on Tuesday night. Her English is brilliant and it was such a treat to be able to converse with her! She understood most things! I was delighted! She wants to do Psychology of all things- and is writing an entrance exam in November for University next year-consisting of Korean, English and Social Studies. She is great! I am thrilled I am doing this! I thought I could milk the World Cup one last time and so I did- we had a debate about the vuvuzela.
Finally, at about 9pm on Tuesday night I could Sleep!!! YAY! I collapsed! 11 hours later I awoke for school-thank goodness it is my late day! :)
Great photos Jo...Put up some more!