Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New resolutions!

Wow-I am pooped, finished, dood and kaput!!!

The family left on Friday night after a whirl-wind adventure of tantalising Korean flavour!

And the New Year has rolled around quicker than you can say "jeranimo" or is "geranemo"! Who knows-what the hell! A very chilled night was spent decidedly out of the cold and in a bar froteh count down on 2011!

I have been alone in my lovely little apartment most of the afternoon after getting back from Seoul this afternoon. It has been the first time in about 3 weeks I have actually managed to do nothing and soak up all that has been going on!

So I thought a little blog was in order... or rather a testimony of my year 2010 and my hopes and resolutions for this year-the year 2011-which I might add sounds really SCI_FI! haha.. not sure why!

So 2010, I coined the resolution: Love. Laugh. Live! (my love for alliterations will never die)
And boy what a year it has truly been....

In the LOVE department (ALL FORMS THAT IS) I realised that self-love, although a desirable state of being, relies on the insatiable quest for self-knowledge, sometimes harsh self-acceptance, and a good dose of self-boosting (aka confidence). Love for family is summed up in the idiom: blood is thicker than water-always. Love for people- all kinds of people is possible. I love George Moore's quote : "After all, there is but one race: HUMANITY". And then my love for friends-great friends-who are there through thick and thin-great party moments, life defining chats, moments of doubt and fear... I sure dont have a million friends, but those I do have I hold close to my heart. And then sharing your life with someone means having someone to witness your day, someone to challenge you, someone to truly care for you and mean it, someone to share your interests and not divide your differences, someone that brings out the best in you and loves you for your ditsyness, friendliness, love for ballet, horrible accent and your flaws and funny knees. I have been truly blessed this year for being loved so much, and being able to show that love conquers all in life no matter what circumstance.

I have managed to LAUGH-a million times over- mostly at myself! And this I have also learned- laughing at oneself is the greatest lesson one can learn. Life isn't all serious! My everyday events are comical from a taxi driver on New Years Eve not believing white people were from South Africa and being convinced that I should marry him to my students demanding to know if I were rich or not... or better yet a raging adjuma smacking my dad on the bum for not going to her restaurant but instead choosing their rivals who were more busy I might add.laughter is a wonderful medicine and to laugh freely and whole-heartedly is wonderful-truly wonderful!

In terms of living-LIFE- the zeal for breathing= life as we know-all the lemons, tequilla and salt- it is all about CHOICE!From the moment you wake up-we choose... Life is filled with them! make decisions and choices with conviction-who cares if they are wrong afterwards... at least you can say you made it with conviction and learnt a lesson for next time. :) I have been so incredibly fortunate to learn this past year that attitude is a choice too... Attitude to moan, attitude to be grumpy or conversely to suck it up and move on and make the most of it! Never again will I ever have 4 international holidays in one year- sure I have no savings left but my choice to travel and explore , experience and taste life in different parts of the world has certainly been fulfilled 10 fold!

AS for 2011~! and only 7 days til I leave for Cambodia and Vietnam with Kirst and Jo for another extremely great adventure in the sunshine-OH YEAH BABY!!!! And less than 50days left in Korea- I begin to plan for my next journey-that is to France!! OUI-c'est vrai! :) But in the chaos of conversation class planning and registering with Unisa and returning bedding to teachers and cleaning my flat and booking accommodation and trying to work out how to obtain my Schengen visa .. I have managed to come up with another alliteraton for 2011-a year which will of course be very different from 2010... that of H's.


Bring on this year-YIPPEEE!!

Jo teacher!

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