Thursday, April 8, 2010

I like spring!

"I like spring" -the grade 6 lesson topic for the day!

The blossoms are out
There are butterflies
It is warm
It is beautiful
It is Children's day

Only five sentences but oh! -how they are tremendous when you are leaving the freezing cold, grey, snow-capped land of winter behind! WHOOP WHOOP!

For some reason though I think this spring time is going to be a little different than usual! Firstly, it is in May and not September. Secondly, the world is going to be covered in beautiful, blooming, pretty, pink blossoms. And lastly, the sky will be a lovely shade of YELLOW! Thats right-yellow! Yellow dust from China's desert blows in over Korea and fills our skies with bacteria, viruses and pure yuck! Masks should be worn and one should stay indoors to avoid all staining on clothing-hmmm! (how do I get to school now?)

No wonder when I asked the class "who likes spring?!" only one girl put her hand up! Apparently FALL is the best!

As Calvin puts it-let's move on to summer!

I personally cannot wait to wear less than 6 layers of clothing! It is just ridiculous! I got rid of the stockings under my pants this week as encouragement to the warmth to hurry up and appear! I cannot wait until it is really spring-the view from my flat is going to be superb.

Ah, la belle vie! Here's to hoping it jolly-well comes along quickly!


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